Introducing blst
We’re excited to announce the first public release of ‘blst’. blst is a fast signature library based on the IETF BLS signature specification and is currently being used by Ethereum 2 and Filecoin clients.
Supranational and VDF Alliance host VDF Day at Stanford
The fourth VDF day was held at Stanford before the annual blockchain conference. Videos from this event are now online.
Introducing the OpenVDF Project
This project, as part of the VDF Alliance, began in early 2019 to evaluate the feasibility of developing fast, open, hardware for computing verifiable delay functions.
Time, Randomness, and a $100,000 Prize to Forever Change Blockchain
Supranational runs $100,000 cryptography acceleration competition with AWS, Ethereum Foundation, Interchain Foundation, Protocol Labs, Synopsys, and Xilinx.
Supranational helps solve 20-year-old cryptographic puzzle
This week MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) announced that a 20-year-old cryptographic puzzle was just solved, 15 years earlier than MIT scientists expected.